Wednesday 18 December 2013

Christmas Bloggers Meet Up

On Saturday night I had the pleasure of being invited to a Christmas blogger dinner all organized by the amazing Lisa from PinkSugarSparkles . She hosted the most loveliest (totally a real word) event and went above and beyond with all the preparations and getting amazing sponsors for it too! You can see her fab self above, along with one of our sponsors, wonderful girls from Preen hair and beauty on Dame Street. I expected a few fancy frocks considering it was so close to Christmas but all the girls turned up looking stunning - meow!

We went to Bel Cibo in Smithfield for some wonderful noms and lots of chatting and catching up with old and new faces. Above you can see I might have had a sneaky glass of wine along with some pasta. The restaurant was really bright and modern, I'd love to have a bite to eat in there again some time soon! After all the fun was had and the poor staff were trying to politely kick us out, someone got the bright idea to go for 'just the one' cocktail in Oscars bar right beside the restaurant. Best/worst idea that ever was! I had a total ball and myself, NurseFancyPants, AllTheBuzz,  GirlFriday and TotalMakeUpAddict all got a few drinks in, many many laughs and a lot of chatting that will forever stay a secret. I myself got a bit OTT with the G&T's so I must say sorry to bloggers, Sams poor friend that I had brief chats on the phone with, bar staff and men of the pub! 

I snapped a sneaky photo of Chloe and Sam on the sly, don't they look lovely glammed up!? Also our drinks and a lovely photo on the wall - you are not alone. Struck a chord with me, I can get down a lot, even in the company of such great people so this was a nice reminder. After that I'm sad to say that not a lot of photos got taken but a lot of memories were made! 

 Lisa went a bit crazy getting all us bloogers some amazing goodie bags and really jazzing them up for us, such hard work that she really didn't have to do - total star! Above is one of the lovely surprises I got in my bag and honestly can not wait to wear it, a rose gold bow necklace from I never ever wear gold or rose gold so this is such a treat!

How could I not add in photos of all the little extra special touches Lisa added in? Some cute and sparkly Christmas glittery snowflakes, snow men and lots more. She added beautiful glittery bows on the bags along with Christmas decorations and Christmasy tissue paper. How gorgeous an idea is that?! And I think we all know how much I love glittery little bits!

If the bows and sparkles weren't enough Lisa wrote us lovely little Christmas cards - Its a pink hello kitty, need I say more! One of my #Idie surprises was a Sigma eyeliner brush that is to die for, my pictures do not do it justice at all!

Other wonderful things L to R included; NYR mineral blusher and samples, a handy nail file, two amazing Body Shop perfume and shower gel set, Kardashian lipgloss, Zap omega body cream, Lots of Nimue goodies, two REN body products and a Ciate nail varnish (- squeals!!)

Also some Mane and Tail samples, Image skincare goodie bag and I won a Bia Beauty skincare gift set. Lisa had a prize for everyone which was so amazing of her - I've never won a thing in my life so I was pleased as punch!!

Photo credit to

My blog is now just a year old and when I signed up to Blogger this time last year I did not for one second think I would come to the end of 2013 with such amazing friends and such a supportive online community that are the girls and guys of the blogging world. Everyday it amazes me how lucky I am to know the wonderful people I do and I'm still meeting more and more daily. So to my blogger buddies and to all you fab readers, thank you for making my life extra great and special by being in it. x

N.B. GFC is now gone as you can see from the lack of it on my blog! If you still would like to follow my blog and see all my posts then find me on BlogLovin', or if you have a Google+ Account you can follow me here.


  1. Replies
    1. All looked super gorgeous! Hope to see you at the next one! x

  2. Awww lovely post, sorry we didn't get to chat more xx

    1. Thanks hun :) Ah we will get lots in next time, I'm sure you'll have lots of gossip about the new little arrival too! xx
