Friday 15 August 2014

Bleach London

I'm a fan of a nice hair dye in case you haven't already noticed! I've tried loads of different brands out over the years and sported every shade going. Naturals to out right neon looks, cos' I like to mix it up a little. I spotted Bleach London in Boots a few months ago and was sure I would no doubt get my paws on a few bottles to lash in the hair. 

Before I dye my hair a bright colour I nearly always bleach it first so the colour comes out brighter and nicer. I use Jerome Russell Bblonde products, as seen in the photo above. It does a great job but careful when using it as the smell could nearly put you under the table and if any gets on your skin it will burn. Like, ouch fuckin pain that stuff burns! K? Good.

The first thing about Bleach London hair dye is the price, when compared to other unnatural hair colours, is a little more expensive then others out there. Its €6.69 for 150ml which isn't too bad in the long run but I have a strong devotion to the Live XXL colours that are cheaper and sometimes on offer at 2 for €9. Apart from price, the packaging is really eye catching and fun but it doesn't come with any colour friendly conditioners or even plastic gloves like other brands do. I don't mind the conditioner not being there, but I always need gloves. Washing your hands with bleach to try and get the dye off my skin is never something I look forward to. 

Anyway, I used the bleach, dyed my hair back to a white blonde. Got some of the Bleach London dye in bruised violet and slathered it on. It recommends you leave it for roughly 20 minutes but I left mine in almost an hour, as I'm lazy and didn't want to wash it out. (I might have gotten back into bed with a book to wait and then it was warm and.. oh dear.) Washing it out was fine and once I dried my hair I noticed that it was slightly patchy in colour - not from an uneven application but rather the dye just didn't seem to work in all the places it was put on. This bugged me a little as I had even bleached my hair so the dye would take better. You can see what I mean in the third photo below. I thought just to leave it in longer next time I used it.

On the bottle it says that the dye comes out in 2 to 10 washes, but this wasn't the case at all. The next day when I washed my hair (this would be the second wash as I'm counting washing the hair dye out as the first wash) as normal with some Dove colour friendly shampoo it turned blue and green in places. Not only that but it faded dramatically. You can see in the last photo below. I had never had that happen with any other dye I had used and was really shocked. I thought maybe it was the shampoo I had used that reacted with it but after finding some reviews on the Boots site I realised that this was happening with a lot of people. It wasn't just me who had faded blue and green hair!

Since dying it the first time and having this happen, I decided to dye over it again and the same thing is after happening. Its so annoying to spend the money and time on your hair and end up looking like you fell into a rainbow. But in fairness I have come to love the multicoluored outcome, even if its not what I was going for to begin with. After I finish this bottle I doubt if I'll ever buy dye from Bleach London again, instead sticking to brands I know will work, that are cheaper and come with gloves, conditioner and more.  

What really bugs me about this brand is the huge hype it has, when there are other brands that have been out longer with better results and they don't get talked about half as much. I hope over the next few months when more people have tried Bleach London there will be more praise for other brands. Right now only the big Boots in Liffey Valley stocks it, but you can order it online.


  1. It looks great in the finished photo, but I wouldn't be happy at all with the fade after only two washes. I was a big fan of the old "bleach two giant strips of hair at the front and dye them pillarbox red", used to love Stargazer Rouge - I would have been raging if they faded that quick! It's quite a hyped brand too, definite shame.

    1. Oh wow, I remember that look! It was eh, quite something, ha! Yeah it turned out nice to begin with but I quickly change my mind x

  2. God, that's a shame although I have to say I like the multicoloured look in the bottom right photo, you're like a really cool My Little Pony. I was actually going to try Bleach London for their purple toning shampoo and conditioner, do you think that's a bad idea too?

    1. Bahahaha, a My Little Pony!! Thanks very much, I feel better now ;) I've not tried their toning things but why not give it a go :) x

  3. Did it all go green/blue after?? How long did it take to completely vanish?x

    1. It went blue after but I dyed it again soon after so I can't say, sorry!
