Friday 18 January 2013

Friday Favourites #3

My LolCat fix, it's important.
End of the week again in case you didn't know! I'm kind of sad too, it was such a great week and I don't want it to end so fast. I had such an action packed time, bargain hunting, (yes, that does mean haul blogs for you all, YAY!) Catching up with friends, dying my hair (!) and learning loads about using drop box, signing up to instgram and bundles more. I'm slowly but surely getting there. And loving every minute!

Thing: Vitamin C Tablets
January is the month of colds. In fact since early October I have been catching those nasty bugs. My lack of  immune system, grr to you. So a little vitamin C goes a long way to help keep you in tip-top shape. I love Tescos own brand of 30 for under €2. I also an a fan of  Boots own brand, which is only slightly more expensive.

Music: Chasing Rubies by Harry and Alfie
These are two brothers born and bred right here in Ireland. They have been busking in the fair streets of Dublin, gaining fame from their YouTube vidoes. Wow do these lads know how to sing. Give Chasing Rubies a listen, you'll have it on repeat in no time.

Food: Spinach and Ricotta Tortelloni 
Oh nom nom nom. I had this for dinner the other night, along with Tesco Tomato and mascarpone sauce that I had in the fridge. This was about €1.60 and doesn't take 10 minutes to cook. I think its a little healthier then pizza or chips. Ish. 

Thing: Some Great Sales/Reduced Items
All the January sales are still on and I am loving them! I would have thought all the 'good' stuff would have been long gone, but a little walk through A/Wear, HMV and Boots just shows how wrong I was. I also want everyone to know Boots has a lot of make up and skin/body care reduced or half off at the moment because of old stock or just clearance. Go grab some bargains!!

Product: Charity Pot by Lush
I have a teeny tiny sample pot and its another food for your skin product. Its coming up as part of a review I'm doing so watch this space! Its fair trade and 100% of money goes to charity. The trial sized ones are €1 and the bigger pots start at about €9. Doing good and pampering your skin? I'll take that thank you!

This is a non-profit group who give and get stuff for free. You keep the good stuff and pass it on to someone else when you are done with it. Cool huh? There is one of them in so many towns and different countries, just go browse for what your looking for. Heres the Irish link, the American link and the UK link just to name a few. Happy hunting!

My 'Friday Favourites' post is becoming somewhat of a regular occurrence, so I hope everyone is liking them and finding them useful! When I find sales or a fab bargain I will always post it on my Facebook Page so make sure to give it a 'like' to stay updated!

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