Think we all know by now how much I love Lush and have a house coming down with all their products. Cough, this haul here, cough. I always have high expectations for their things, sometimes I'm really disappointed and then sometimes like this time, I'm grabbing my hat and knickers running out the door to go buy more. (Not quite that literal, but you get the jist)
Can I introduce you to the wonder of all that is Star Light, Star Bright. This jazzy star is a bath melt that looks fab, all that silver glitter really gets me in the Christmas mood (I know, hold your horses its only November, but I like to be ready and organised for the season thats in it.) This is one of many Lush Christmas limited edition products that they have gracing the shop floors at the moment. I saw it in the Lush Times magazine and went to investigate further to see if it was as nice in real life as on the pages. It smells like a wake up call - a nice one mind you. Not one of those sleep deprived, far to early starts with added baltic temperatures once you step out of the bed. No my dears its one of those, darling, I'm just giving you a bit of a zing to keep you going, but feel free to relax all the same. Yup, I did just sum a bath melt into a weird metaphor/scenario.
To get technical, it has cocoa butter, organic shea butter, ginger, lavender, coconut and lime oil. Thats just naming the few I think are important in creating a picture like smell in your heads. When you break up the star into the running water your meant to make a wish which I totally did because I am indeed 5 years old. The second it hits the water you get a gorgeous citric scent. Now let me just say that I am not a fan of citric scents normally and when I picked this up it was with a slight hesitation as sweet scents are normally my go to. But man I haven't loved a smell like this in ages, I'm surprising myself!

Inside is a beautiful blue center of shea butter fondant making the bath water a yellowish green colour. I'm always disappointed when theres no bubbles in my baths but I think I can forgive this time as the water was just so moisturizing. I can not stress that enough. I've had many a bath melt from Lush in my time but this one is top of the moisturizing list. And if that doesn't tick all your boxes then the glittery bath water will. I couldn't get a decent picture of the glitter but take a look at my arm below. See the lower blue flower? Covered from head to toe shimmering like that. I felt like a fairy. Stephen even commented on how sparkly I was for the next day or so (and I quote, your like a twilight vampire... I'll take it!)
There are some downsides of course. If your not a fan of citric scents then this really isn't for you. Same goes for over sparkly skin until your next shower or bath. And before you use your bath melt there is the hassle of just looking at it, not even touching it and getting covered in sliver glitter. Don't do the stupid thing of touching the bath melt and then your face like I did in the shop. Oh man I was fit to sit on top of a Christmas tree.
But for €4.50 I think its well worth it. I got mine in the Lush on Henry St from the ever lovely Garret. I met him when I was at the Lush event and he is ever the total babe. Go in and say hi next time your passing!
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