Friday, 26 September 2014

The (Better) Cheap Dream Dots Dupe!

Back in July I was sent a box of new Dream Dots to try out, Review Here! Everyone and their mother has been sent a box of these thanks to some seriously good PR people and non stop social media updates. Everyone on Twitter and in the beauty world now know about them. But I thought that they were a little gimmicky sounding product, and retailing at €15 for a packet is day light robbery in my opinion. They work ok, but they are no miracle product. However theres now a little bit of a following for them from Twitter, from being shown on tv and constantly poping up on blogs. I just can't understand why, apart from wanting to support an Irish business - and we all know I'm first on the love Irish businesses band wagon. But only if they deserve the hype and are a genuinely great product. Which brings me to the reason for this post. A crazy Dealz find, Dotz.

  Dotz is the image of Dream Dots in every way possible. The same idea and the same product, but packaged differently and for €1.49 instead of the mad €15. It has 24 dots as the Dream Dots has, but the difference with these is there are three different sizes to choose from. I kind of love the fact that there are different sizes, even if its just the child in me getting to play sticker book on my face. They are also in a handier packet that involves only one piece of plastic that has all the dots stuck to them instead of several small, hard to use sheets. 

They are more rubbery and thick then the Dream Dots but they are easier to apply and lets face it, who is going to go out with these all over their face like Dream Dots suggests you can do with their Dots. I wouldn't be seen dead even in Tesco with bits of plastic stuck to my face. Not for milk, not even for a bar of Cadburys! So its safe to say that these are just as ugly to use as there more expensive sisters. 

However the one defining feature of these dots is that they get overnight results. Unlike the Dream Dots I used, I needed two or three nights to get rid of my spots. Sometimes I would need more, but I was sick and tired of the product by then and didn't bother. In the morning you peel them off and they have (sorry about this) a kind of puss left on the dot and the spot is no longer yellow and has significantly reduced. This was never the case for Dream Dots. They also stay on your skin all night and I never found any had come off when I woke up. They are a little sore to peel off, which was the same with the other dots, making me think that this is an unavoidable flaw.

I just can't get over how well these worked with just one nights use in comparison to two and three nights use of a Dream Dot. Below is after one nights use of the dots. (Go on, click on them and have a close up look. Ugh the face uglies I put on the internet is insane!) As you can see they are bulky on the skin and easily seen, but I was off to bed, not a night out! For all the hype of a really expensive product that doesn't work, I wonder how long people will still fork out for it when these Dotz are less then €2 and widely available in the pound shops. I could easily use a pack of these a night with all the spots I have, so the price and the result suit my pocket much better!

What do you think - 
Are Dream Dots too over hyped when theres better dupes out there?


  1. I found the dream dots work quite well but if these do the same if not better I might be picking up a pack of these next time I'm in dealz :)

    1. Glad to hear they worked for you! Hope these work too, more money for makeup and coffee! :D x

  2. I really like dream dots and use them a lot but Im definitely going to pick up a pack of these for comparison such a huge price difference!

    1. Yeah the price difference is crazy. Make sure you report on how you got on with them! :) x

  3. Dream Dots are so overhyped. Not only do they not work, they have no allergy warning on them so I went ahead and slapped them on my face only to come out in a reaction! For the price, they just weren't up to scratch. These guys seem brilliant though, especially at €1.49! X

    1. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that!! They should really have allergy warnings on them - maybe email about it? If you pick a pack of Dotz up make sure they don't have the same reaction. Hope your ok now! :) x

  4. I have all the same feelings about Dream Dots. Out of interest do Dotz have ingredients listed on the packet? The one thing that scared me about Dream Dots was there was no ingredients, so while I still used them all up (and experienced varying levels of effectiveness), I was very apprehensive to use them as I don't like putting things near my skin without knowing what's in them! Xx

    1. I'm not quite sure, I throw out the box when I get it to save on space and haven't seen them stocked in Dealz for a while. Maybe you could email them if your worried about using them? x

  5. Any ideas of something similar that can be found in the United States?

    1. I don't no, I'm sorry! If your interesting in trying these particular ones, maybe email Dream Dots and ask about shipping? Personally, I wouldn't say its worth the money! Theres lots of creams out there that are cheap and work well fighting spots :) x
