Saturday 28 February 2015

P.S. Clear As Mud Face Mask

Can we get real for a second? I'm sorry, this was meant to be posted yesterday but House Of Cards was released and well. I watched every single new episode of season 3. I know, what am I thinking depriving myself for months without new material to watch, but it just happened. So feel loved knowing that I dragged my sleep deprived ass over to blogger to talk all about these masks this morning. Theres nothing I wouldn't do for the lot of ya! (Hugs and cake all round).

Penneys (Primark) has really brought out the A game the past year. Make up, perfumes and lots more, you can really get everything beauty related you could ever need. So when I say these face masks making an appearance on the shelves a few months ago I was intrigued. I had a root around the internet but there never seemed to be any in depth reviews of them, only passing comments of having bought them. But them only being €4, I thought I'd get them and have a go anyway.

There are 4 mask packets in the box, with the minimum amount of green product in each. I was sorely disappointed to find such little product in them and it works out at €1 per packet, something you could get in Boots for less. None the less I opened one and slapped it on - after spending 10 minutes trying to squeeze out enough product to cover my entire face.

In short, it didn't smell great and didn't work to help 'purify' anything. My skin felt tight and sore after taking it off and over the next few minutes I started having a reaction to it. It felt ok while it was on my skin, but it had a chemical/plastic scent. For €4, I think I'd rather put it towards a lovely mask from Lush or the Body Shop in future. Great value doesn't always mean its a great product and I found out the hard way. I'll be sticking to Penneys comfy jammies and some earrings in future!

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