Sunday 8 February 2015

Sexual Sunday: Porn Banned In The UK

Every Sunday I talk about something to do with sex and this week I'm taking a break from reviewing sex shops to discuss the new laws in the UK  surrounding porn. Back in December, the 1st to be exact, the UK quietly introduced restrictions on the porn sold and made there (Communications Act 2003). Under these new censoring laws, the Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2014 requires video on demand online porn to follow the same guidelines as DVD sex shop porn laid out by the  British Board of Film Censors. In short, it is now illegal to do the following acts:

Aggressive whipping
Penetration with any object 'associated with violence'
Physically or verbal abuse (regardless of if consensual)
Urolagnia (water sports)
Role playing as non adults
Physical restraint
Female ejaculation
Face sitting

The last three in that list are viewed as potentially life threatening by the British Board of Film Censors (BBFC). Now do not fear, this doesn't stop anyone from viewing the above acts if they choose. Those acts can still be carried out in porn from countries that are not the UK or don't have similar rules. But from my point of view (and the out cry of many others) it looks like the BBFC has it out for the majority trying to enjoy themselves. Those in the porn industry producing BDSM, LGBT and lesbian sex now essentially have their hands tied behind their backs. (Wouldn't that come under 'physical restraint'?) 

Personally I feel outraged that face sitting could be considered to be life threatening. Not only is it utterly bizarre, but its depriving women of pleasure. My same line of thought extends to female ejaculation. Depicting a male orgasming and ejaculating is perfectly acceptable for the UK, but dare a woman orgasm  and have physical proof, well thats just outrageous and banned. It would have been laughed out of law if male ejaculation was censored, I can't see why the same shouldn't be said for women.

Now don't get me wrong here, this isn't merely some feminist crusade fighting for womens pleasure, but for the pleasure for whoever this effects. Spanking, humiliation, abuse and the rest could and does come under the umbrella term of BDSM. Anyone who has a particular kink or interest in these acts is being essentially told by UK laws that they are wrong to want this. It is not ok, they are banned. And so we again see the great divide between those 'weirdos' with their unwholesome sexual behaviors and those who are fine upstanding people that would never indulge in such things.  All I can say is it sickens me that this is a law now, to discriminate and make prejudice of people who engage in these acts in the porn industry, and those who enjoy it.

Its easy to argue the point of protecting people. Protecting the children, Oh wont someone think of the children. I realise that from a young age children are more exposed then ever to over sexualised images, video, etc. But is banning it through porn really the way to help and discourage these deemed wrongful banned acts? Does it really instill confidance of the general public that the UK are setting these standards? Deeming womens pleasure unacceptable? Disregarding sexual preferences and drawing the sexist line right down the middle for what men can do and what women can't? I could go on for another ten paragraphs. 

I have no answers, I doubt most of you do either. But if the UK have banned so much, what can we expect for Catholic Ireland, or whatever other government or organisation who feel they need to censor people. Tell them what they can like, what they can't. Make those in the porn industry redundant and move underground to do these 'dreadful, harmful' acts. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this below


  1. There's some sick, sick stuff out there that I would never dream of watching. Most of it isn't on that list. Why is there so much publicity about the Fifty Shades of Grey movie out (at VALENTINES of all times) if so much associated with BDSM is now banned in porn? Spanking? Physical Restraint? Jesus. Forcing that underground will have the opposite effect, people will go to seek it out and they'll end up on those stupid horrible sites that have the weirdest, most humiliating, most horrible types of "porn". Stupid.

    1. I was going to touch on 50 Shades but I thought it best to stick to one topic (how I rant about those bloody books!) But your right, one minute they say you can't watch bdsm and then they bring out 50 shades to UK cinema, madness! x
