Friday 3 July 2015

The Micro Pedi Nano

I god damn hate feet, just don't get me on the topic or I will think about it too much and be sick. Its been known to happen. So this is going to just be a quick post to tell you about the *micro pedi and why I got up the courage (balls) to be able to use and talk about it for a few minutes, Purely because my feet are in such poor condition did I try this out and I can tell you lads, I took a drink before I attempted it, I've no shame in it!

This is the nano version and I like that they come in several different colours and that its small enough to throw in your bag if your off on holidays. I was stumped to begin with because you need two AA batteries, but naturally being someone who has a lot of sex toys, I always have plenty floating around, but just take note that you will need batteries! All you do is take off the plastic top covering the exfoliating roller and push up the on button, then put it where ever you have some hard dry or calloused skin. Don't leave it on for more then 3 seconds on any piece of skin, but other then that, you'll have softer feet in under a minute - or however long it takes, depending on the condition of your feet. 

After your done, use the tiy white brush that comes with the micro pedi to brush off any pieces of skin (sick, I know. Why do you think I needed a drink?) and put it away. The most off putting thing about it besides the whole feet thing is the noise of it. Like an electric razor, but the thought of it going near my feet or hurting has me doubtful. Luckily it didn't hurt at all, but I can see how it could damage your skin if you were leaving it on too long, so do watch out. I'd recommend using a moisturiser after this, just to make sure that your feet are going to stay soft as exfoliating them will only go so far before they go rough and dry again.

I do like this product, handy for traveling and I know that I'll pick up the extra packet of exfoliating rollers once I use them up, but this micro pedi is €39.95 which for me is a big steep. I've seen other ones like this for less in the chemists around, so do a bit of a price hunt before you buy one. Other then that, I like this a lot, but drink is still needed to use it and even talk about it! 

Would you use this? Or do feet drive you to drink like myself!

*I did not pay for this item, it was a PR gift.  Please see my disclaimer here.

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