Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Things That Annoy Me

Theres times when you just have had enough and all the things that you can normally deal with spill over. Sometimes its little things blogger does, other times its rude people on the road. But whatever it is you can cope. Until you can't. Heres some of the things that really annoy me, under handy headings! I have another post a little like this called Things I Don't Like.

Social Media

  • People using words like hubby, wifey and tweetiepies. No, just no.
  • Spamming Twitter with the same links. Fuck right off. *unfollowed*
  • Facebook not showing all the pages you want to see. Wtf?
  • RTing like its going out of fashion. 
  • Long convos on IG. 
  • Mass subtweeting. Go waay you mad feckers.
  • Follow for follow lark. No, if I like you and want to see your news I'll follow you.
  • Long Facebook posts. Ain't nobody got time fo' that.


  • Brushing your hair when its utterly FULL of knots.
  • Using Lush solid shampoo bars and finding pieces of the seaweed in your hair or stuck to the bottom of your shower.
  • Blow drying your hair because its freezing and your late. But suffering frizz head for the rest of the day.
  • Not seeing patches of dry shampoo and looking like a twat for the day.
  • Lip gloss looks amazing. Until it gets windy and your hair gets stuck to it.
  • Limp/frizzy/hair that just wont do what you want it to. Why?!


  • When you put powdered makeup on your bed for a second and turn back to see it embedded into your sheets - normally white ones.
  • When your bronzer/blusher/contour looks amazing but then you step into proper daylight and suddenly you see just how dark it is. Clown face alert!
  • Combination skin - you can't figure out where the moisturiser line goes. Too dry/too greasy. FML.
  • Two words: Tan Lines.
  • Never being able to achieve the perfect brow without professional help. One is always higher then the other. Plus pluck happy. (Repeat offender here)
  • Makeup (foundation for me) stains on your clothes. It will never ever come out. 
  • The most perfectly applied nail varnish you've ever done. Then you touch off something. Smudged all over the gaff. Fuuuccc...
  • Having to clean make up brushes. Its 2014, wheres the self clean ones already!


  • When Blogger/Wordpress doesn't save your 500+ word post that you've spent over an hour composing.
  • Computer updates meaning you have to restart your computer. Normally when your doing something important.
  • No light to take photos. Why is it so dark! Sad times.
  • Font thats too small or swirly. I already have glasses. Please don't make me get out the magnifying glass too.
  • Checking your emails all day. Nothing. Don't look for half an hour? You need to delete old emails to try make space for the incoming craziness.
  • Having beautiful photos but only about 2 lines of text about the 'product review'.
  • No link or information about the price/size of the product. Its a review, review it!
  •  Always seeing the same background.


  • Walking in new high heels - the pain.
  • Walking in high heels when its wet out or on a slippy surface. LET ME HOLD ONTO YOU!!
  • Scalding the mouth off yourself from your morning coffee. Tasting food ruined for the day.
  • 'Table for two please' ... Sorry what?! An hour!!? Fuck off.
  • Buying all the things on Esty/Amazon/ ect. Get to the checkout and 'this item does not ship to your country'. Feck it.
  • Charging your battery full. Half an hour later 7%. Whaaa?
  • 'I love your XYZ!' ..'Ah thanks Penneys... 3 years ago.'  Well then. Shit.
  • *saves all the money* Item currently out of stock.
  • Missing the ninja postman.
  • People not indicating. HOW do you have a licence?!

Do you agree with these? Or could you add anything!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

The Tangle Teaser Review

Don't even get me started on the last to the party thing here. I know its been out since last year (if not longer counting the US and UK release dates) but after ages of lusting over it every time I saw it in Boots and reading about all the raving reviews online I asked for the tangle teaser for Christmas. I thought it was love at first sight when I saw the purple little brush that I had such high hopes and built up expectations for. But it was not meant to be.

I could just be my crazy knotty hair. It could be the shampoo I'm using or the lack of patience I have for my hair in general, but man this thing just refuses to work for me. Now your thinking ah shes only had it a few weeks, whats she on about. But I can safely put my hand on my heart and tell you I have tried ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Oh how I stood and brushed, clipped up different sections to brush, changed shampoo and conditioners, even tried it on wet, dry and medium damp hair. Nothing worked for me. I can tell you in confidance that I talk to my cats, I talk to furniture, inanimate objects and even myself when I think no one is in ear shot, but I can now add begging with my hair brush to the list of shame. 

It breaks my hair and leaves me with lots stuck in the brush after - not cool(!), doesn't brush out tangles well and if anything it adds to the chaos that is my head. I really thought that this brush would be better then my Denman one that I've had forever but I find myself reaching for it to clean up the awful job my poor tangle teaser has done. Speaking of which I would recommend that good old trusty brush and its cheaper too at just €11.99, get it over here.

I'm scratching my head (no pun intended!) over this little brush. It looks lovely, fits in your hand perfectly and should be suited to my thinish hair but there you go.  It costs a bomb too at €15.99 which doesn't help matters either. I'll continue to try and unlock the secret that is the tangle teaser over the next few weeks and report back to you all, but I have a funny feeling that its going to end up in the bin if it pulls out anymore of my hair, I'll be bald in no time! You can find it here.

I'd really love some of your thoughts on this brush. Do you have it? If you do, what was your experience with it? Are you bald and crying like me or do you have perfectly brushed locks?

Monday, 11 November 2013

Repost: Hair Dying The Wrong Way By Some Pretentious Name

This post is a little different. Its a very special repost  from one of my very best friends. She has just started blogging at Some Pretentious Name and I am pleased to say that I don't have to be a good friend and lie - its actually a funny and interesting read that I really enjoy. Go you girl ;) We decided to dye my hair and this is a repost of hers. Enjoy! 

Dear Barren Recess,

I have dyed my hair. Many, many times. My hair is basically a chameleon attached to my head.

You would think that after the 18 odd time I have dyed my hair, I would have learned the various tricks of the trade. I really..really wish I had. That way, when friends of mine (Such as the Big Blonde Girl) come over and ask me to do their hair for them, assuming I have absolute expertise, I could actually make their hair into something that does not resemble a troll. As it is, I shall just have to settle with laughing at their now misshapen tufts of hair.
Clearly they haven't got the message yet, because Big Blonde Girl asked my to dye the ends of her hair pink and blue.
Here is our attempt to make it work.(My incredibly short attention span led me to forget to take pictures of anything but the bleaching). Beware, boring post ahead.

So this is what her hair looked like before. She had dyed it before at Halloween, the same pink and blue again , but she her hair was dark brown at the ends so it didn't take properly, specifically the blue. If your hair is not light enough, blue will often turn a kind of swampy green, which I am guessing is not what you had in mind if you are using blue dye.

We used Jerome Russell high lift bleach powder and maximum lift cream peroxide, and mixed it all up together.

When making this mixture, it should be a thick bright blue paste. The bleach powder is very important, because it makes it go more of a yellow/blonde, whereas the cream peroxide alone will go bright orange (However, if your hair is dark, or previously dyed a dark colour, it will go orange anyway).Then just kinda coat it onto the ends of the hair, making sure you get everything. Make sure to get the same distance from the bottom of the hair at all sides, cause otherwise it just looks weird. Unless that's what you're going for, in which case more power to yah.

Here is a picture of her hair about 2/3s of the way done. If you are doing this on your own, separate your hair into right and left sections and have them hanging down by your face for easy access.
We then turned wrapped tinfoil around the bleached bits and left it in for 40 minutes. Then we washed all of the bleach out, and sat her down again. 
For doing a two tone dip dye we used Crazy Colour hair dye in Bubblegum Blue and Candy Floss. The best option is probably putting the bottom colour in , letting it sit, washing it out and adding in the second colour. But I was lazy, so we just popped them both in together and washed them out after another 30 minutes. Or we would have, but she fell asleep, so it was more like 2 hours. 

As a result, we wound up with shades of blue, green, purple and pink. The peroxide didn't work as well as we hoped it would, probably because it wasn't left in long enough.

And here we have the finished result the next day! Personally, though it didn't turn out as well as I hoped it would, I don't think it was all that bad! Though it looks quite different here then it does in actuality. Maybe the camera just shows you what you want to see rather then what is actually there. But if that was the case, than why does it still show me when I take pictures of myself? Curiouser and curioser?

I shall now end this post, my darling Barren Recess. I am sorry that it was the most boring post in a series of boring posts. I shall promise that I will try to be better.


I'm really pleased with how my hair turned out! Thanks S x Go check out more of this girls fab writing over here.

All pictures copyright of SomePretentiousName