Thursday 26 September 2013

Autumn Boots And Owl Purse

I've been living in pumps and those little roll-it-up-and-put-it-in-your-pocket tennis shoes all summer but now the feets are starting to freeze and complain every time I go outside this past while, so it was time to try and find a decent pair of boots or shoes that would be warmer and more sturdy then what I have been wearing. Take a look at the shoes I'm talking about here. And so let me introduce you to my new babies that I love oh so much. 

These black, slightly above the ankle boots are Pennys best would you believe for only €30, such a great bargain! They are meant to be leather on some parts, but don't ask me, I threw away the little card when I first put them on like a dope. They are true to size, being a perfect fit for me. (size 5) Lacing up at the front they have gorgeous square studs in three rows at the top of the boot. Studs are all over every other hand bag and top being really on trend now. They have different ways you can lase them up too, adding a little extra detail. They've a cute little light brown heel on them, just enough to give a tiny bit of extra height. These are super comfy and will be glued to my feet all this Autumn.

Next is my new love of my life, a hot pink, owl covered clutch purse. I spotted this in the window of The Bag Shop in the Ilac centre on Henry St. I've been looking out for a new purse as my old one is very worn because the fabric has frayed. That and if it has more then 3 quid in change it refuses to close, instead emptying the contents into the bottom of my bag. This purse has a zip, a Zip! Oh joy of joys it has it all. Its got plenty of space for cards, change and notes inside, maybe even a cheey lip gloss could be stuffed in too. It has a dark brown strap for easier carrying too. They come in several different colours and retail for €15. 

Have you your eye on a new pair of shoes, a bag or purse?

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