Tuesday 8 January 2013

Review: Veet Hair Removal Cream

I'm sitting here after a rather sore experience. I am not a fan of of shaving my legs as I tend to catch myself with the razor all the time. So when I was in Boots the other day I picked up Veets Hair Removal Cream with aloe vera and vitamin e for sensitive skin for around €6.15. I can have quite sensitive skin so I thought this would be perfect for me, with the added bonus of aloe vera and vitamin e. There are loads of different creams in this range, you can get spray on creams, roll ons, strips and creams in pump form. It boasts to be 'proven to work on very short hair' and 'can take noticeably longer to grow back'.  The product itself is in a 100ml tube that also comes with a specially designed spatula in pink, which I thought was cute. The instructions tell you to apply evenly to your skin with the spatula. You leave it on for 5 minutes and then remove it with the spatula, then rinse the residue away.  

It specifies on their website that is for your legs, which you can see here. However, on the package it says its designed for use on legs, arms, underarms and bikini lines. Whatever about using it on yours legs I would not  recommend using it on more sensitive parts of your body. It has the most awful smell and irritated my skin so much I had to wash it off before the 5 minutes were up. OUCH!! 24 hours earlier I had tested the cream on a small patch of skin as it suggests, just to make sure it didn't react with me. There was no irritation or redness and the area was smooth after. But it seems that applying it all over my legs does not have the desired effect. I was left sore, red and covering myself in germolene. 

I can safely say I will not be repurchasing this product, instead sticking to the odd nick of a razor. Have you ever used any of Veets range before?


  1. Ouch! Thanks for the warning.

    Amazing how much 'sensitive' or 'hypoallergenic'- branded stuff, well, isn't.

    1. Not a problem :) I couldn't agree more, its a bit hit and miss!
